Conference Day!

The Year six conference was a new and interesting experience! I loved how we were all split into groups and did challenges. It brought out the competitiveness within in me. The topic of the conference was to lead yourself into the future. Which I think is a great topic because some people like to follow and do their own thing not be the centre of attention all the time. 

We met up with the Donvale grade sixes and built better relationships with them. One of the challenges we did was the Newspaper challenge. My group, white was doing very well with our communication. By allocating jobs and making sure everyone had a go. The aim of the newspaper challenge was to use teamwork and build a tower with only newspaper and tape. At the end of this challenge our execution was a bit off but the important thing is that we tried our best. Our tower was standing at one point but just didn’t hold.

Something I learnt about myself as a individual would be that I like to have ideas that help with the whole group because at the end there is something we can all be proud of and not feel left out.I am really looking forward to doing this again!

Have you ever thought that this isn’t going to work but in the end, with persistence you’ve been really proud? If yes, tell me in a comment explaining what context you were in? If no what is something in your life that has made you proud and 😊 smile?




Year 5 Production

Wow! This Term has flown by! First we started taking drama every Wednesday afternoon then we were preforming in front of 300-400 people. It is amazing how far we all have came this term!  As some of you may know I was acting Bruce,  the commentator.

It all started when me and Joanna were auditioning in front of the judges. It made me feel nervous but it was all over in 2 minutes. We did very well and spoke clearly. We also had to do a monologue that we had to memorise and preform as well. Our schedule was really packed since we had 25 days to prepare. After the holidays. We got our roles. My name was called out first and I had to memorise 63 lines.

Practice was a big part of the production. We got pulled out of class and had to practise. At home we practised. We practised at the IWA.  At one point I wasn’t  sure the show was going to come together.  But guess what, a week later we were preforming on the stage.

On stage I had lots of mixed feelings. I was nervous waiting behind stage but when I walked out into the bright lights, I knew it was going to work. If I thought of all the PLAs (positive learning attributes) that brought this production together it would be all of them! Especially collaboration because we worked together and courage to preform in front of soo many people.

Have you ever preformed in a play, show, production, musical or broadway? If so tell me what you think of that experience? Did you have mixed feelings too? Tell me all of this in a comment below.

Humming Bird Adaptions

The swift, fast wings, hovering in mid air, the incredible ability to dive and reach 60 mph. They stop, turn around and feed on luscious  flowers. The delicacy of these birds is something to watch out for. A fast flying bird and the incredible weight of 3.5 grams, this is the Archilochus Colubris or the Ruby Coated Humming Bird. This tiny bird is a reptile and  can live any where between 3-5 years

These are  common scene around Mississippi River, Mexico, Florida and Central America. Some of their  preferred trees would be Oak, Birch, Poplar, Hornbeam and Hackberry. They live in woodlands. 

These Humming birds are red and emerald or golden-green on their back. All the males have an exceptional ruby-red throat. Their average body heat is 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Humming birds eat bold coloured flowers, sap and nectar. They are attracted to the colour red. My Grammy feeds humming birds sugar and water with red food colouring. They do tend to sometimes eat bugs and insects. Some of their favourite flowers would be Columbine Saliva, vines (trumpet, coral, honeysuckle) and bee balm.

Adaptation helps living 

things( animals, plants) stay 

alive. This includes climate, 

food, colour, shape and 

surroundings. For example

if a bear is in a cold climate 

it might grow longer and 

thicker fur over time. Or if a 

plant constantly dies 

because of the climate it 

might adapt an immune 



Some physiological adaptions that a Humming Bird has would be:

  • To be able to survive in harsh temperatures. 
  • They have quick wings to be able to hover on the spot and get sap.
  • They have a excellent memory. Their brain accounts for 4.2 of the bird’s weight.
  • When in flight their heart can reach 1,250 beats per minute. While resting it can drop to 250 beats per minute.

Some structural adaptions that a Humming Bird has would be:

  • Wings and muscles(there main muscle used when flying would be the pectoralis major.)
  • 60mph during a dive.
  • Their beak is long and narrow to reach nectar from bright coloured flowers. 
  • Their Tongue is also very long and the tip is covered with hairs to get nectar from flowers. 
  • Humming birds are really small and their muscles for flight are dependent on oxengene and need large amounts of energy.

Some behavioural adaptions a Humming Bird has would be:

  • Migrating 500 miles south.
  • Hovering in flight.

Tell me now what you have learned about the Archilochus Colubris. Leave a comment below⬇️

The Girl Who Drank The Moon

This year 5S has had lots of pretty amazing book chat books! One of my favourite books this year has been ‘The Girl Who Drank The Moon’ by Kelly Barnhill an award winning author of ‘THE WITCHES BOY.’ Kelly is a great author and shows purpose a determination in her books. She makes me feel like I am in the book as a spectator! I really recommend this book!

This book is about a girl called Luna and when she was a baby she got taken away from her parents to go live with a witch. Every year a child of the Protectorite goes to live with a witch as a sacrifice, the witch, Xan is kind and takes the children to go live with nice people in the free cities.  But one year instead of feeding the baby starlight to make them grow healthy and strong, she feeds the baby moonlight. ‘ Star light has magic in it, but moonlight is magic’ Xan decides to take in this child and raise her.On Luna’s 13th birthday her magic starts to show. If you read this book you will find out the adventures between Luna and Xan!

This book is cross between fantasy and family friendships because not only there are witches and dragon, there is personality about Luna and Xan’s life! I Tell me more about your favourite book this year in an open ended comment!

An Aussie 🎄Christmas

Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year.🎄 Not only do we get 7 weeks of school brake but we get to spend time with our family. I live in Australia and every year in December it is super hot. On Christmas Day I usually wake up to 25 degrees and open up a stocking. Then I would see if there are any presents for me under the tree. Then we would go to my Nana and Pa’s house for a lunch and a day at the pool and the beach. This year it has been a bit colder but I’m sure it will be warm by Christmas. Christmas is a special time of year to celebrate Jesus’s birthday😇 and the end of the year.  Christmas is held on the 25th of December each year.

An Aussie Christmas is mostly like other Christmas’s except it is summer. We decorated the house the same with green, red and gold paper chains and a big, leafy green Fir tree. My family usually holds a Christmas party. All of our neighbours, friends and family come. We decorate cookies, eat dinner and make paper chains. 

Around December we get and advent calendar. This is used to count the exciting days leading up to Christmas. Usually we put a small piece of candy or a tiny plastic toy in the side. Each day someone opens it and keeps what is in it. One thing that my Mum, Me and my sister do is go to a ballet called the Nutcracker. It is really beautiful and about
Christmas Eve.

Here are some photos at my Mums work and Me at the Nutcracker and by little brother opening his presents🎁.Leave a comment below⬇️ and tell me how you celebrate the end of the year! Share some photos too!

Toonallook Camp Reflection

Wow! Toonalook camp was and an amazing new experience. I learnt lots of different, fun and informative things about 5s, Toona and how beautiful a sunrise can be! Toona is set on a lake, and is approximately 300km from Carey.

5s also went on a police boat and learnt about how the police officers lived and worked. We went kayaking all around the gorgeous lake as well! We went on another boat in small groups to go out to Raymond Island but this time the boat was super fast! Raymond Island is separated by only 200 meters of water! Some of my favourite things on the island we did would be going for a bike ride and spotting 21 koalas. They looked super soft and I wanted to pat their fur. We also went fishing but we ended up trying to catch non-poisonous jellyfish with our hands. They felt like jelly and they are see through. Did you know that jellyfish don’t have blood, brains or even a heart?

The food at Toona is Delicious! We have our own chef that makes yummy meals for us (Trish). Some times she would make snacks for us like, scones, cupcakes, cookies, fresh fruit or muffins.  When we went inside the hall I could  I was going to eat something good soon! 

When we went camping on the third night (expo) we set up our tents and played fun games around the fire. Not to mention the hot milo we got to drink or the homemade toasties in the morning. 

I hope next year I have just as much fun! Leave a comment below ⬇️ and explain to me what your dream camp would be like!



Avatar Challenge

Hi guys, thanks for going on my blog! Part of the blogging challenge is we have to make a Avatar!

This is my new avatar. Do you like? I made it on a online website called ‘Avatar Maker’ Click on this URL snd make your own!

My Name is Tilly and I like running, soccer, skiing, golf (totally going in a PGA tour one day!), art and I also play the violin.🙂

I have dirty blonde hair, I like the colour light blue and orange!

I look forward to commenting and learning more about YOU!

Do you have  a favourite sport or instrument?

Continue reading “Avatar Challenge”

The Hard Road Ahead

The hard road ahead, wow… There is so much packed in to that subject, including math,(angles, coding, shape and volume) writing(news paper and new writing skills), history and art(dioramas).  Zac and I made a Diorama, it was the Criterion Store.This store sells clothes, thread, hats and other bits and bobs. Zac and I have another   square which was somewhere on the diggings, with involved animals, rivers, wells, tents, fires and the occasional sheep.

I learnt so much information. Like in 1851 Gold was discovered in Ballarat and in 1854 The Eureka stockade was started out of angry miners complaining about how unfair the gold license fees were. Peter Lalor got together a rebellion and decided to get justice for mining rights in 1854. Also in 1854 James Bentley Murdered James Scobie and he got of trial as the magistrate was his friend (lucky) and this led to the burning of the Eureka Hotel. Also on the 12th of February Edward hargraves found the first bits of payable Gold. 10 years later the population increased 60,000 more people ( 3000% more) and Melbourne became a popular tourist attraction on the globe. 

I’ve shown lots of PLAs such as resilience and courage, to try to get our diorama done in time.I was quite sure me and Zac would have to stay in at recess and lunch, but then we had a big 2 hour session and we got it done. This blog post represents I’ve also used curiosity, communication and reflection! I got burnt a few times with the hot glue gun but that’s all solvable. When we had to use coding to code the Spheros and bots around, I was quite puzzled when our 90 degree angle was turning the wrong way. I stayed in and got it done just in the nick of time.

Some of the challenges I’ve faced would be getting the newspaper article done in time as well. Some major highlights I’ve faced would be putting together our dioramas in new, interesting and creative ways. We also went on a old fashioned education camp to sovereign hill. We did mapping activities, we bought sweets for our family and we also dressed up and pretended we  lived in the 1850s. My grade also got to participate in a school program(with a old fashioned teacher)!

Some advice I would give for the future year 4s would be not to waste your time and bring some warm clothing to Sovereign Hill, since you go watch a sound and light show…… at night I must confess it was chilly!

Post a comment on my blog and tell me about an experience when you tried soo hard and you eventually succeeded. 

leave a comment below ⬇️

I wonder which information book Won?

What an interesting week. Book Week. Carey found out what books were short listed! Lots of different books were short listed.

  • Sorry Day
  • Waves
  • Make believe
  • Our Birds
  • The happiness box
  • Bouncing Back

The Carey choice award went to make believe! Make believe is about illusions that mess with your mind, some examples of this would be a painting but you are not sure if it is upside down or the right way up. It also had different riddles that you could answer but it might not end up just as you might think

I know what a good information book is. It would have well formatted findings, interesting and realistic paintings/pictures and recordings at the back, where the author got information from. The story would catch your eye and let you learn something. The front cover would make you want to read it

So my favourite book would go to…… SORRY  DAY! I thought ‘Sorry Day’ was a good book because it had all of the above. It was about remembering how Australia treated aboriginals and what they had done to them.

Read these Books and leave a comment below ⬇️about which book you liked the best and explain to me why 📚📚📚




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